Make The 48kg Kettlebell Beast a Buttercup

May 2016 SFG II Cert at the Dome. I was able to complete the full beast tamer two years later at the same cert. Awesome life moment.

May 2016 SFG II Cert at the Dome. I was able to complete the full beast tamer two years later at the same cert. Awesome life moment.

The 48kg kettlebell, dubbed the beast in the kettlebell world, is usually the biggest kettlebell most brands manufacture.  It’s sheer size intimidates. This kettlebell has gained a mystique with challenges like the Beast Tamer, where you have to strict press, pull up, and pistol squat with this massive cannonball with a handle.

For a long time, I was only able to press the beast on a good day. No matter how much I 'greased the groove' with light weights or low repetition ladders, I was still inconsistent with pressing the beast. About a year and half ago, everything changed when my focus shifted from kettlebell pressing to strongman pressing events.

After a 3-month strongman program I grabbed the beast to test my press for my StrongFirst Level II certification. I was shocked how light it felt. After a few sessions of programming the kettlebell press back into my routine, I was able to hit 8 strict presses! The weight that was my max is now a pumping weight. 

"How did you make that look so light?!" 

This is the question I was asked at least 10 times at the StrongFirst Cert. in May after I pressed the Beast like it was filled with air. My answers stunned the people asking, which stunned me that they were even stunned from my answer.

1. Get bigger shoulders

Is this really in question? A bigger muscle has greater strength potential. Often, people don't give the hypertrophy phase of their program proper attention. I spent 2 days a week working on my upper pecs, deltoids, and triceps- all the prime movers of the press. We can talk about how important the lats are or to crush your grip, but when it's time to put that weight overhead you need the shoulders to do the work.

My top exercises were 2KB push press w/ slow eccentric, incline bench press, close grip bench press, standing barbell military press, front raises, overhead tricep extensions, and tricep pressdowns. This isn't rocket surgery; these are all traditional muscle building exercises. Keep it simple, swolemate.

2. Move more weight

Manipulating force is more complicated than just pumping up small muscles with body building exercises, but doesn't need to be over complicated. We can debate the differences between pressing events, but the beast press is just taking 105lbs from the rack position to overhead. If the body cannot support 100 lbs. in either position, there is no way you will be able to strict press it.

Tension building exercises like bottoms up kettlebell lifts will improve technique and mastery of the press, but is not enough force on the joints, ligaments, and tendons to achieve maximum strength. When you perform exercises that overload the body like front squats and barbell overhead pressing you are applying more force than with a 48kg kettlebell. When you can barbell press 200+ lbs. the beast won't weigh you down so much on your next attempt. Use exercises like heavy Turkish get ups, push press, barbell pressing, heavy overhead carries, etc.

Sample Kettlebell Program:

  • Weeks 1-4: Hypertrophy

    • 3-5 sets, 6-12 reps, eccentric focus

    • Incline Bench, DB Bench, DBL KB Press, Tricep/Deltoid work, Tempo Pushups

  • Weeks 5-10: Strength  

    • 4-6 sets, 3-6 reps, isometric focus

    • KB Push Press, Close Grip Bench, Landmine Press, Lockout Tricep Work, Heavy Turkish Get ups

  • Weeks 11-12: Peaking

    • Peaking 5-8 sets, 1-3 reps, concentric focus

    • One arm KB Press, Incline Bench/Log press, Planche/One arm pushups, Heavy Turkish Get ups/Windmills

    • *2x a week, alternated vertical and horizontal pressing between sessions

Using these methods during the hypertrophy and strength phases of a program will have a positive impact on your musculature and, ultimately, on your pressing ability. Add the lower repetition kettlebell pressing back into the peaking phase of your program and watch the Beast float to the ceiling.

Interested in a Complete Kettlebell Digital Program?