Double Kettlebell Squat Program - Squat Sandwich

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Are you hungry for some high quality thigh meat? Take a bite out of this Kettlebell Squat Sandwich program and build a lower half that builds a platinum following.

Summer is here and short shorts are everywhere. I'm a big fan of this fashion comeback because I've always had decent set of quads, but so many guys (and girls) are out here showing skin like they're Tom Platz. Sorry to break it to you chopstick legs, but no one wants to see your knees that are thicker than your thighs.

I'm not here to pick on your chicken legs, I'm here to give you a solution. All you're going to need is a pair of moderate to heavy kettlebells and about 20 min, 3x per week. Thats it? Yes, but don't be fooled; this won't be easy. 

Before I dial in the program I want to take a moment to lay out some of my favorite cues for squatting with double kettlebells:

  • Firstly, soften the knees and exhale while you really feel the heels into the floor. This should posteriorly tilt your pelvis which will kick on your abs and hamstrings. We need this active to keep our spine and pelvis in a position to work the correct muscles.

  • Secondly, bend the knees and sit straight down between your feet. DO NOT EXCESSIVELY SIT BACK! Sitting the hips far back will tilt the hips forward, decreasing available hip flexion and internal rotation, activating the low back and shutting off the abs, and will probably lose the contact of the toes and the floor. We need the toes for the final tip. When you hit the bottom of your squat (hips below knees) PUSH THROUGH A WHOLE FOOT to come back up. This is very important to use the thigh muscles that we are trying to develop. 

Now that you have an idea of how I would coach this in person, it’s time to get to work. Just to make sure we're on the same page, a complex is a group of exercises that you will perform all the reps of one exercise before moving on to the next one. Complete all reps of the set before putting the bells down.

Weekly Reps Breakdown:

Week 1:

4 x 5 reps each

Week 2:

5 x 5 reps each

Week 3:

6 x 5 reps each

Week 4:

5 x 6 reps each

Week 5:

6 x 6 reps each

Week 6:

6 x 6 reps each (max reps on last set of squats)

Daily Double Kettlebell Squat Exercises:

Day 1

  • Front squat

  • Clean and Jerk

  • Front squat

Day 2

  • Front squat

  • Gorilla Row

  • Swing

  • Front squat

Day 3

  • Front Squat

  • Snatch

  • Push Press

  • Front Squat

Recommended Kettlebell Weight for Women

The recommended weight for women is 16kgs or heavier.

Recommended Kettlebell Weight for Men

The recommended weight for men is 24kgs or heavier. Men over 220 use 32kgs.

Final Thoughts

My good friend Steven Koontz, aka rhinostrength, started this program this week with the 36kgs. If you've every seen him then you know he has a very provocative lower half.

This program starts off fine, but gets difficult very quickly. Make sure you have a good warm up and recovery routine because your legs will certainly need it. By the time you finish this program you legs will look so good you won't be able to keep them contained in big shorts or pants so go ahead and add some Chubbies to your shopping cart. 

Tag me in any videos on the gram (bestrongky) of your sets and hopefully you build a butt and thighs so nice they pay the bills.